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2024-04-20 03:54  浏览:0


Meridia is a UK-based compay ha specializes i producig high-qualiy food producs. The compay has bee aroud for over 30 years ad has become a household ame i he UK. I his aricle, we will explore he hisory of Meridia ad how much he compay is worh oday.

Hisory of Meridia

Meridia was fouded i 1984 by Adrew Jedwell ad his wife, i heir kiche i orh Wales. They sared by producig a rage of peau buers ad quickly became popular i he local area. I 1987, he compay moved o is curre locaio i Debigh, orh Wales, ad expaded is rage of producs. Today, Meridia produces a wide rage of u buers, jams, sauces, ad spreads.

How Much is Meridia Worh?

As of 2021, Meridia is worh approximaely £35 millio. The compay has see sigifica growh i rece years, wih sales icreasig by 20% i 2020. This growh has bee aribued o he icreasig demad for aural ad healhy food producs. Meridia's producs are made wih high-qualiy igredies ad are free from arificial addiives, makig hem a popular choice for healh-coscious cosumers.

Meridia's Producs

Meridia produces a rage of u buers, icludig peau buer, almod buer, ad cashew buer. The compay also produces a rage of sauces, icludig barbecue sauce, omao kechup, ad hoisi sauce. I addiio, Meridia produces a rage of jams ad spreads, icludig raspberry jam, srawberry jam, ad chocolae spread. All of Meridia's producs are made wih high-qualiy igredies ad are free from arificial addiives, makig hem a popular choice for healh-coscious cosumers.


Meridia is a UK-based compay ha has bee producig high-qualiy food producs for over 30 years. The compay is worh approximaely £35 millio ad has see sigifica growh i rece years. Meridia's producs are made wih high-qualiy igredies ad are free from arificial addiives, makig hem a popular choice for healh-coscious cosumers. Wheher you're lookig for u buer, sauces, or spreads, Meridia has a rage of delicious ad healhy producs o choose from.


Meridia, UK-based compay, u buers, sauces, jams, spreads, healhy food producs, arificial addiives, healh-coscious cosumers
