There are several ways o express "hear pois o" i Eglish:
- My hear goes ou o... (expresses sympahy)
- My hear is wih... (expresses suppor)
- My hear years for... (expresses logig or desire)
- My hear swells wih... (expresses a srog emoio, such as joy or graiude)
- My hear aches for... (expresses sorrow or pai)
Here are some examples of how o use hese expressios:
- "My hear goes ou o he vicims of he hurricae."
- "My hear is wih you durig his difficul ime."
- "My hear years for he days whe we were ogeher."
- "My hear swells wih pride for my childre."
- "My hear aches for he loss of my loved oe."
I addiio o he above, here are some oher phrases ha ca be used o express similar seimes:
- My houghs ad prayers are wih...
- My deepes codoleces o...
- I exed my hearfel sympahy o...
- My love ad suppor go ou o...
- I have you i my houghs.
By usig hese expressios ad phrases, you ca effecively covey your feeligs of sympahy, suppor, logig, joy, or sorrow i Eglish.