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2024-06-24 15:29  浏览:0


Proac D18 is a popular bookshelf speaker amog audiophiles. I has a aural ad raspare soud ha ca accuraely reproduce music. However, o fully uilize he speaker's poeial, i is crucial o pair i wih a suiable amplifier. I his aricle, we will explore wha kid of amplifier is bes for Proac D18.

Class A/B Amplifier

Proac D18 has a omial impedace of 8 ohms ad a sesiiviy of 87 dB. Therefore, i is compaible wih mos amplifiers, icludig class A/B amplifiers. Class A/B amplifiers are he mos commo ype of amplifier because hey provide a good balace bewee power ad efficiecy. They are also relaively affordable ad ca drive Proac D18 wih ease. Some recommeded class A/B amplifiers for Proac D18 iclude he AD C 368, Cambridge Audio CXA81, ad Maraz PM7000.

Class D Amplifier

Class D amplifiers are kow for heir high efficiecy ad compac size. They use pulse-widh modulaio (PWM) o cover he ipu sigal io a digial sigal, which is he amplified by he power sage. Class D amplifiers are ideal for drivig Proac D18 because hey ca deliver high power wih low disorio. Some recommeded class D amplifiers for Proac D18 iclude he AD D 3045, Peachree Audio ova300, ad Emoiva XPA-2 Ge3.

Tubes Amplifier

Tubes amplifiers are kow for heir warm ad aural soud. They use vacuum ubes o amplify he ipu sigal, which resuls i a smooh ad musical soud. Tubes amplifiers are compaible wih Proac D18 because hey ca drive he speaker wih ease. However, ubes amplifiers are relaively expesive ad require maieace. Some recommeded ubes amplifiers for Proac D18 iclude he PrimaLua EVO 100 Iegraed, Rogue Audio Crous Magum III, ad Lie Mageic LM-219IA.

Solid Sae Amplifier

Solid-sae amplifiers are kow for heir clea ad raspare soud. They use rasisors o amplify he ipu sigal, which resuls i a deailed ad precise soud. Solid-sae amplifiers are compaible wih Proac D18 because hey ca drive he speaker wih ease. Some recommeded solid-sae amplifiers for Proac D18 iclude he Hegel H190, Roel A14, ad Parasoud Halo Iegraed.


Choosig he righ amplifier for Proac D18 is crucial o ulock is full poeial. Class A/B amplifiers, Class D amplifiers, ubes amplifiers, ad solid-sae amplifiers are all suiable for Proac D18. I ulimaely depeds o he liseer's preferece ad budge. By choosig he righ amplifier, you ca ejoy Proac D18's aural ad raspare soud o he fulles.

Tags: Proac D18, amplifier, Class A/B, Class D, Tubes, Solid Sae."
